Coffee Break with David Bastida, founding partner of Cuponing, partner of Traducciona and CEO of Yorespondo (with video)


Wednesday, October 5, 2011. Today a Coffee Break took place in the Vivero de Empresas of San Blas. On this occasion we have had David Bastida (@davidbastida). David's case is a good example of what is known as a "serial entrepreneur", since he is a founding partner of Cuponing, a partner of Traducciona and CEO of Yorespondo. It is also a partner of the board game e-commerce company Zacatrus.
Cuponing is a collective buying company; Traducciona, a company specialized in translations; and Yorespondo, the leading company in Telesecretariat, Virtual Office and Telephone Service.


David Bastida says that "my path as an entrepreneur began at the age of 21", and that he got the idea for his first business from a conversation overheard on the bus. Although he failed in his first company, that did not discourage him from continuing to undertake.

David says that “in the great company I learned everything that should not be done in a company to succeed. And I decided to ride my own. He also thinks that they don't always look good on you if you go to a multinational and tell them you're an entrepreneur.

Sometimes, David tells us, he has been asked in a large company "who are the partners?" (when he was alone). One recommendation that David makes to make a better impression on a new client is "that each time a different person answers the phone." And he adds: “outsourcing telephone service is my first piece of advice”.

The crisis

David thinks that in times of crisis it is necessary to look for new market niches, and that "the crisis, to entrepreneurs, more than harming us, it has to make us stronger." David defends the advantage of micro-niches, of specializing in something and doing it well.


David says that the idea for Cuponing was given to him by his brother-in-law, who had seen Groupon in Germany, and says: "better prices and satisfied customers are our foundation."

David explains that "we have realized that the user is getting burned by receiving the same offer every day", and that it is better "only one daily email, and if we don't like the offer we don't send it".

After talking with the attendees, David wrote a sentence in a window of the Vivero de Empresas in San Blas: "If you fight in periods of crisis, your company will succeed in periods of prosperity."

You can see the video of this Coffee Break in