The spaces of #CoworkingFree are jobs of preincubation or shared spaces.
In both cases, there is a business support and tutoring service. You can also find information on financing programs and aid and subsidies, as well as the provision of common services that allow your company to establish, take off and consolidate during the first years of activity. These spaces also have free Wi-Fi.
What are the differences between both?
- Preincubation. It is a free service offered advice and tutoring for the preparation of the business plan. A personalized and detailed follow-up is carried out on each of the steps to be followed to achieve the viability of a business project.
It is aimed at all natural persons, of legal age, who have a business idea or a business project without registering or formally establishing a company and who require support in preparing their plan.
The maximum period of stay is 6 months.
You can choose to perform it externally or combine this service with a physical space equipped with furniture in the business incubators of Carabanchel, Puente de Vallecas, Vicálvaro and Villaverde. - spaces shared. yesWith jobs for companies that have already started their activity. It is a service of temporary and free transfer of jobs for recently created companies, less than five years old. These spaces are found in the business incubators of Carabanchel, Puente de Vallecas, Vicálvaro and Villaverde.
In this case, the maximum period of stay is 1 year.
How can it be accessed?
- To access the spaces coworking of the business incubators heto request is completed in person in the nursery whose coworking space you want to access.