Registration is now open for the first cycle of the Information courses, son itinerarios formativos eminentemente prácticos que recogen los temas más relevantes a tener en cuenta a la hora de poner en marcha un negocio.
Each cycle is made up of cuatro itinerarios de In-formación que se van a celebrar dos veces al año: el primero de comienza en abril y el segundo en septiembre.
The goal is the comprehensive training of the entrepreneur offering sufficient content that enables the acquisition of skills and abilities for starting a business, definition of business strategies and business management, among others.
If you want to participate in one of the cycles, all you need is:
– Entrepreneurial mindset
– Interest in training
– A business idea, even in its initial phase, or a recently created business
Una de las novedades de este año es que a la finalización de cada uno de los dos ciclos se organizará una jornada final de “networking”, de tres horas de duración.
– Itinerario I: “Habilidades del emprendimiento”: 5, 6, 12 y 13 de abril. Incríbete aquí
Its purpose is to lead the citizen of Madrid, with an incipient idea and/or a business project, towards a reflection on aspects of entrepreneurship that are transversal and common to any sector of activity, such as self-knowledge, awareness of their own abilities and skills. , as well as provide them with the resources that allow them to obtain a business perspective, even within the framework of self-employment.
– Itinerario II: “Fundamentos del plan de empresa. Plan económico financiero”: 19, 20, 26 y 27 de abril. Incríbete aquí
The objective is to publicize the legal formulas and other legal aspects that are essential when writing a business plan. In addition, the economic-financial part of the Business Plan focused mainly on the financing request will be analyzed.
– Itinerario III: “Modelo de negocio y estrategia comercial y de ventas”: 4, 5, 11 y 12 de mayo. Incríbete aquí
Itinerary designed to provide guidelines so that attendees learn to analyze the ideas of their project and the steps to turn it into a business model, knowing the need to establish sales and communication strategies, the identification and attraction of the client and the different marketing channels.
– Itinerario IV: “Marketing on line y diseño web”: 18, 19, 25 y 26 de mayo. Incríbete aquí
Literally focused on learning to design and manage the web of the projected business. In addition, tools will be given so that attendees can have their online store available in the near future.
You can sign up for one itinerary, two, three or all four, taking into account that is necesario acudir a las cuatro jornadas que componen cada itinerario.
Los Cursos de In-formación celebran en el Vivero de Empresas from Puente de Vallecas en horario de 10:00 a 14:30 h, cada jornada se desarrollará siempre de forma presencial, en cuatro horas efectivas.
Inscripción obligatoria en Plazas gratuitas y limitadas
More information:
Correos: /
Teléfono: 915 133 701
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