The social economy is being a milestone in the generation and maintenance of employment and Spain, as far as this economic model is concerned, is a benchmark at a European and global level.
In social economy companies, the person takes precedence over capital, since they combine competitiveness, viability and efficiency, with solidarity, democracy and equality.
As Carmen Comos has clarified, “social economy companies are companies outside of speculation, that redistribute wealth and reinvest their profits by promoting employment.”
Spain is the only country with a special body representing the social economy: CEPES. This platform for institutional dialogue with public powers, active since 1992, is an economic and social agent, which acts in the market and has an impact on society with its actions, defending a business model with its own specific values. CEPES represents 10% of the GDP and the interests of more than 44,000 companies, more than 2 million direct and indirect jobs, and 21,415,592 people associated with the social economy.
The values of involvement and commitment to people are the axis of the social economy business model, which provides society with stable and quality employment, commitment to the territory, social and organizational innovation, development of the entrepreneurial spirit and solidarity through of the active inclusion of all groups. This creates a more plural and diverse, transparent, reliable, stable, competitive economy with values. The business model that society demands.
In this model was born Olmain Advisors, an advisory company aimed mainly at entrepreneurs and SMEs, who have expressed to attendees the advantages of the social economy. Founded in 2013, this consultancy that offers support in the accounting, tax, labor and legal areas, has been hosted in the Vivero de Empresas of Carabanchel for three years, and in 2015 it was winner of the Social Economy award of the Madrid City Council.