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Management of potential customers in your company
Lead management, or management of potential customers, is the process of capturing leads thanks to the monitoring of all points of contact with the company, such as email, chat or behavior within the website.
The cost of customer acquisition
The customer acquisition cost (CAC) of a company or business is the total sales and marketing cost of acquiring a new customer during a specific period of time.
Evaluate job performance
Evaluating work performance is a process in which the aptitude, competence, ability and efficiency of a collaborator is measured with respect to the execution of their tasks within a company, in a determined period.
Types of funding sources
If you are looking for a capital injection, in this article you will find various financing options for companies. Discover the most common types of financing sources for SMEs and entrepreneurs
CRM for SMEs
CRM (customer relationship management) or customer relationship management includes 360º management of sales, marketing, customer service and all contact points.
Google Analytics 4. Everything you need to know
Google Analytics 4 is the latest version of Google Analytics, an analytics service that allows you to measure traffic and interaction on websites and applications.
safe haven assets
Safe haven assets are those securities that investors turn to during periods of economic slowdown or risk aversion.
The service level agreement
A service level agreement should be a protection mechanism for the parties involved, both to guarantee compliance with the service that is paid for and to limit the non-contractual demands that the client claims.
digital certificates
Digital certificates are electronic documents, issued by a certification authority, that allow users and companies to identify themselves to third parties and sign documentation electronically.
How to customize the customer checkout process
Companies have a major challenge ahead: how to personalize the purchasing process for customers, on and offline. It is what is usually called personalized marketing.
Change Agents. Discover these aids
It is a program of the Secretary of State for Digitization and Artificial Intelligence. The total amount of the aid is 20,000 euros for a maximum of 20 consecutive months and the deadline for submitting applications is July 25.
Tips for productive teleworking
Teleworking has its own peculiarities. Therefore, you can take into account these tips or tricks for your day to day, managing to telework more productively.