Nueva edición de las actividades formativas online relacionadas con temáticas relevantes tanto para emprender un proyecto empresarial como para la mejora de una empresa existente. Se desarrollarán entre febrero y abril de 2021 en un entorno de formación virtual con cursos tutor izados por especialistas en cada temática.
The objective is the comprehensive training of entrepreneurs, offering content that enables the acquisition of knowledge for starting up a business, definition of business strategies and business management, among others. If you want to participate in virtual training, all you need is: an entrepreneurial mindset, interest in training and a business idea in the initial phase, or a recently created business.
This edition consists of four different training activities. You can sign up for one or more activities since they are independent of each other, always bearing in mind that it is necessary to complete all the virtual content that makes up each activity.
The training activities will be taught and developed on the virtual platform "Aula Emprende” of Madrid Undertakes.
Each of the activities is published in our Schedule so you can sign up and, in addition, they will be included in the weekly newsletter, which you can receive by clicking here. Remember that registration is free and places are limited, so prior registration is necessary.
Digital Marketing and Web Basics. Focused on knowing the necessary elements to design and manage the business website of a project. In addition, tools will be given so that attendees can have their online store in the near future.
Big Data Fundamentals. Its objective is to understand and apply Big Data as a basic tool integrated into the business.
Lean Startup Basics. Oriented to know and put into practice the Lean Startup methodology to find the target market, evaluate with potential clients if the idea is a good opportunity, and promote innovation and creativity in business.
Fundamentos del plan de empresa. Plan económico-financiero y financiación. Dará las claves a los que con una idea y/o modelo de negocio, precisan desarrollar un plan de empresa con todos sus componentes, marketing, comunicación y ventas, operaciones, RRHH, jurídico y económico-financiero, realizando un análisis para establecer estrategias, detectar necesidades y hacer seguimiento del negocio.
In addition, Aula Emprende supports the following types of training activities organized by Madrid Emprende:
•Support to Training Itineraries providing information and documentation support; also for assistance in complementary activities proposed by the trainers of these sessions. These itineraries will take place on the dates indicated in the schedule.
•Development of virtual training activities assisted by an expert tutor in each topic. These activities have a deadline and one edition per semester is convened. You can register during the registration period indicated in the schedule.
•Open virtual training activities, in MOOC format, which can be carried out at any time. You can sign up for these activities directly at Aula Emprende.