Closing of the first Cycle of Information Courses 2016


On May 31, it took place at the Vivero de Empresas from Puente de Vallecas, the closing day of the first cycle of Information courses.

Through a round table, moderated by the General Directorate of Commerce and Entrepreneurship, those responsible for the four Itineraries – Elena Novillo from Economists without borders, Raúl del Pozo Cink Undertakes, Juan Antonio Martinez de XLNS Coaching and Raúl García of Cink Undertakes – summarized the key elements of their workshops. In addition, Katherine High and Álvaro Estace participated at the table, two entrepreneurs who told their experience to all attendees.

Katherine, from, 8 years ago he attended a Madrid Emprende conference that helped him organize his ideas and Álvaro Estace, from Estate Consulting, is housed in the Vivero de Empresas from Puente de Vallecas. The experience of both, close to the reality of the attendees, was very interesting and motivating.

Attendees were able to participate and ask the table as much as they wanted to resolve doubts and clarify concepts.

Regarding the first itinerary, “Entrepreneurship Skills”, whose objective was to know and improve the skills to undertake a successful business, it was recalled that having a good idea and resources is not always enough. The entrepreneur must master a series of skills, such as communicating effectively, negotiating, exercising effective leadership, managing his time well... and for this it is essential to know himself well.

Through itinerary II “Fundamentals of the business plan. Financial economic plan”, the importance of studying the technical and economic feasibility of an entrepreneurial initiative was emphasized, as well as the foundations of the different legal forms and other legal aspects. The importance of a good Business Plan to obtain external financing.

In “Business model and commercial and sales strategy”, the third of the itineraries, it was explained how when launching the idea to the market, you must have clearly identified what the product and/or service is, to whom you will give it. We want to sell, where that customer is, how we can present our product to make it more attractive compared to the competition and other useful strategies to make the business sustainable and profitable over time.

Through Itinerary IV: “Online marketing and web design”, the importance of having a good website, a showcase of the business and the company, was emphasized.

The Information Courses are eminently practical training itineraries that cover the most relevant topics to take into account when starting a business. Attendance is free and places are limited. In this first cycle it began on April 5 and ends with this day.

In total, 16 days and more than 64 teaching hours have been held. The average attendance has been approximately 60 people per day, and a total of 296 unique students.

The next cycle will begin in September of this year. The registration period will open at the beginning of the month.

You can download all the materials of what you learned in this first cycle here.