The event was opened by Ms. Concepción Díaz de Villegas Soláns, General Director of Commerce and Entrepreneurship of the Madrid City Council, highlighting the support, services and infrastructures that the Government Area of Equity, Social Rights and Employment puts at the service of entrepreneurship and emphasizing internationalization for the development of entrepreneurial projects housed in Madrid.
This conference was held under the premise that today's digital business models must understand internationalization not only as an option, but as one of the fundamental pillars of their strategy.tartups Spanish companies have it clear, contemplating the external dimension as a determining factor and a natural process for the development of their businesses.
It was attended by more than 85 attendees and 25 speakers and experts in internationalization.
It also had the institutional support of the Spanish Ibero-American Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Transport, Energy and Mines. and the Villa de Vallecas Business Association (ASVIVA) which brings together more than 130 SMEs based in the industrial estate of the same name in an environment where more than 1,000 companies are located; Business Economics Commission of the College of Economists of Madrid; Global Center of International Studies (Fu Kong Sang Chair).
The main objectives of the day can be pointed out:
- train entrepreneurs in the most important aspects of starting up a business internationalization project.
- train in innovative aspects of business management in the field of logistics and foreign trade.
- show how internationalization can be a professional opportunity for entrepreneurship.
- promote the internationalization of companies based in the Community of Madrid.
- More internationalization means more sales, more jobs, more investments and, therefore, the creation of wealth and economic development for our territory.
But is the internationalization of a company necessary for its viability? And for its scalability? Are scalability and internationalization synonymous? Complementary concepts? What is the difference between these terms? How is the internationalization of a company carried out? startup? Are there differences between the internationalization process of a traditional company whose business is not technology-based and a startup? How did the startup best known?
An attempt was made to answer all these questions through conferences and round tables with experts, organizations in the sector and companies and entrepreneurs who have started their internationalization process.
The conference was inaugurated by the General Director of Commerce and Entrepreneurship of the Madrid City Council, the general manager of Ibero-American Chamber of Spainand the entrepreneurship coordinator of the King Juan Carlos University
The inaugural conference dealt with "European aid and other internationalization programs for companies" by Mr. Miguel O'Shea Buerba, co-founder Valdur Next
Subsequently, three master conferences took place: "How to internationalize companies to Latin America" given by the general director of the Ibero-American Chamber of Commerce of Spain; “Internationalization of startup and SMEs through E-commerce” with the director of Be Global and responsible for internationalization of Lawyers & Accountants and Easy Telecom Law; and “Common mistakes when undertaking outside its borders” offered by the CEO in Undertake in.
The first international round table under the title "How to internationalize companies to China and Asia" was formed by the director and founder of CASICO – Leading company in business in China and Asian countries, the CEO southmentors, the General Director of Niuxue and the CEO World Spanish; under the coordination of the Honorary President of the Spanish Association of Foreign Trade Professionals – ACOCEX.
The round table "Main emerging markets to internationalize companies" was coordinated by the vice president of the Ibero-American Chamber of Commerce of Spain. The head of the economic department of the Embassy of Chile in Spain participated in it Chile; the executive president of the Chamber of Commerce of Ecuador, the president of the Association of friendship between peoples SALEM EURASIA and legal adviser to the Dominican Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Tourism.
"Specialized financing to internationalize companies" was the title of the financial round table in which they participated EAE Business School, Bank of Sabadell and Santander Bank under the coordination of the director of the Global Center Inter. Studies.
The last round table “Network of business angel as a platform to internationalize your company” was with representatives and startup that have internationalized ninjamails and Startupxplore, corganized by the Network of private investors of the foundation Madrid+d
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