The Ayuntamiento de Madrid, once again, makes available to entrepreneurs the High Potential Project Accelerator. It is a completely free project for the entrepreneur, whose first call was launched in 2014 and which continues to serve all those projects that are in the start-up phase and that have an innovative approach and a vocation for growth, scalability and vision. international. The accelerator is located in the Vivero de Empresas from Carabanchel.
Interested projects can submit your application desde hoy, 16 de marzo hasta el próximo 16 de abril de 2017. Una vez cerrado el plazo se seleccionarán cinco proyectos o empresas que formarán parte de la 5ª convocatoria que dará comienzo en abril y finalizará en septiembre de 2017.
En septiembre, abriremos nuevo plazo de presentación de candidaturas para la que será la 6ª convocatoria de la Aceleradora de Proyectos de Alto Pontencial.
This initiative was born with the aim of supporting companies with the greatest potential in their development phase. For this reason, business ideas that have a certain degree of maturity and that require growth and expansion at a faster rate can apply to access this space.
La Aceleradora de Proyectos de Alto Potencial ha completado cuatro convocatorias con 20 proyectos acelerados, 5 startup en cada convocatoria. Desde apps móviles para hacer los partidos de golf más divertidos, o apps para capturar recuerdos y enviarlos al futuro; a plataformas de viajes, transporte, becas e idiomas; pasando por la creación de comunidades de craftlovers o una red social de moda, son algunas de las startups que han acelerado sus proyectos en las instalaciones de la Aceleradora. Puedes consultar en la Web each and every accelerated project.
It is important that, to access this space, the business ideas that submit their candidacy offer clear solutions and advantages to a problem for an important group of users, their future clients and those who have needs to work on to speed up the launch or consolidation of the company
Those selected for this space will undergo a diagnostic phase of the project's potential and needs. From there, a work plan will be developed based on the objectives set for each company. The startups will have mentoring and specialized training to achieve the established objectives.
The program, which lasts five months, offers a free coworking space, consulting and mentoring services, being able to participate in all the events, presentations and activities that are organized.
Todas las ideas de negocio que quieran presentarse a esta convocatoria deberán realizar solicitud hasta el 16 de abril.