Madrid Emprende and Ferrovial promote Madrid Smart Lab


  • The objective is to take advantage of the flexibility and innovative potential of startups to improve the mobility and quality of life of citizens
  • In a first phase, participants will receive six weeks of intensive training and advice to help them turn their ideas into a viable business.
  • The next stage consists of an incubation period of three months, in which the new companies will mature until they are ready to go to the market.
  • The 14 finalist projects will exhibit their technology during demoday before a panel of investors and experts, and will have facilities to test it in the Las Tablas neighborhood
  • Those interested can submit their application until September 30 through the Internet portal


The true smart city is the one that knows how to take advantage of the ideas of its entrepreneurs for the benefit of all. Under this premise, the Madrid City Council and Ferrovial have joined forces to create Madrid Smart Lab, a pioneering initiative that seeks to stimulate and support startup in the development of technological solutions that improve the quality of life of citizens and make urban mobility more efficient.

With the slogan 'Join the challenge, innovate in your city', the opening of the call to attract the first entrepreneurial projects was staged today through a round table moderated by the investor and businessman Carlos Barrabés, and in which the councilor of Fuencarral-El Pardo, José Antonio González de la Rosa; the general director of Madrid Emprende, Pedro González, and the director of Competition for Cities of Ferrovial, Iñigo Jodra.

acceleration, incubation and demoday

So that the ideas proposed by the entrepreneurs are transformed into innovative solutions that have a market outlet, Madrid Smart Lab is articulated in two phases of business support. Both will be developed at the center that Madrid Emprende has in the Fuencarral-El Pardo district, the Smart Lab (Monforte de Lemos 38, next to La Vaguada).

The first phase is 'acceleration'. Those who are selected will receive personalized training and advice for six weeks from experts who will help them turn their ideas into a profitable business project. Subsequently, the second stage called 'incubation' will begin, in which thestartup they will be installed for three months while they fine-tune their prototypes and prepare to commercialize their technology.

The program will conclude with a demoday, that is, a day in which the teams of entrepreneurs who have successfully completed the incubation will present their business model and technical solutions to investors and specialists. In addition, if the degree of maturity and viability of the project allows it, the installation of pilot initiatives will be facilitated in the Las Tablas neighborhood, also located in Fuencarral-El Pardo.