In October 2016, the Plenary Session of the City Council unanimously agreed to launch a producers' market in the city of Madrid to bring local agriculture closer to the urban environment.
In compliance with this mandate, a public tender has been called (Official Gazette of the Community of Madrid of October 3, 2017) to proceed to the granting by open procedure of a municipal concession that enables the installation of the so-called Producers' Market Fair, on a periodic basis. Query here the Specifications.
This producers' market aims to bring the people of Madrid, without any intermediation, locally produced agri-food products, with the aim of strengthening the sector and creating new business opportunities, promoting measures to support agroecological projects as well as the production, marketing and sustainable consumption and quality craftsmanship.
The Producers' Market Fair will be installed in part of the municipal plot located between Avenida del Planetarium and Calle Meneses, occupying the two roofs that rise on it and part of the open areas of the plot.
It will be monthly and is expected to be held on the third Sunday of each month, with the public operating hours from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., in order not to coincide with other initiatives that local producers may be interested in attending.
The market will house a maximum of 36 stalls on the two decks, in addition to an area for promotion and dissemination activities for holding themed days, by products and territories and product tastings, workshops and children's entertainment activities.
The market will host those producers whose farm is located at a distance of no more than 120 km from Madrid capital.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the winner of the public concession may hold a producers' day in each edition, inviting producers from other autonomous communities to participate, but always respecting a minimum of 60% of producers in the local geographical area.
Special visibility will be given to agroecological producers.
Forecast entry into operation.
Once the bidding procedure is completed and the award of the concession is granted, it is expected that the market will be able to start operating at the beginning of next year.
The municipal concession will be conferred for a period of five years from its award, for a single occupation per month.