We find ourselves before a change of times in which nothing will ever be what it was. We attended“a commercial reality in disruptive evolution”,in which more and more players participate, with new habits and consumer profiles, which demands the adoption of new offer proposals. This requires merchants do things differently. A sector, that of commerce, which is no longer "on", either off. Is Omnichannel; It is where the customer wants it to be, through physical stores and commerce on-line.
In this context there are many retailers who have developed their own adventure, managing to be protagonists of "that change of era", with large doses of passion, creativity, risk and innovation.
Five of those adventurers have told and shared their story in Retail Disruption Show, “Different Trades, Building Memorable Cities”, event held on October 27 at the headquarters of the General Directorate of Commerce and Entrepreneurship of the Madrid City Council (Príncipe de Vergara Street, 140 Ground Floor – Madrid).
The event had the collaboration of ACOTEX, ADEPESCA, FEDECARNE, Madrid School of Marketing and Vodafone.
The five retailers adventurers are:
– Javier Andréu,founder of The Paratrooper
– Victor Jimenez, founder and owner of CARNIco
– Jose Antonio Onate, Owner of Pescadería Oñate
– Hilario Alfaro Jr. Alfaro Manager 1926
– David Hernandez, CEO of Pangea The Travel Store