Spika Tech SL, Usyncro and Grupo Cybentia Eurocybcar, winners of the 2021 Entrepreneurs Award


Today after Demo Day where the 5 finalist companies have exhibited their projects in a public act, the jury has issued its decision and the Madrid Economy, Innovation and Employment delegate, Mr. Miguel Ángel Redondo and the councilor for the Innovation and entrepreneurship  They have delivered the 2021 Entrepreneurship Award.

With this award, Madrid wants to contribute to the recognition of original, creative and innovative projects carried out by women, with the aim of promoting, fostering, supporting, boosting and motivating the entrepreneurial capacity of women.

In addition, this award is intended to generate employment and increase economic activity in the city of Madrid, and contribute to eliminating the existing gender gap.

In this XI edition of the Emprendedoras Award, the first prize has gone to Spika Tech SL, whose project, called VR-Cardio, develops a 360º three-dimensional stereoscopic holographic display that makes it possible to detect arrhythmias in real time without the need to use invasive methods (catheters), with a resolution of more than 10,000 points, up to 25,000, compared to to current navigation systems that offer 2,000 points. This technology avoids destroying healthy cardiac tissue in the ablation.

The second prize of this edition has been for Usyncro, which offers a SAAS solution that synchronizes all the actors involved in a national or international shipment in a simple and transparent way. A development based on blockchain and artificial intelligence to make international trade easy and accessible to all types of companies and actors involved in the supply chain, automating processes and guaranteeing the safe traceability of merchandise.

And finally, the third prize has been obtained by Cybentia Eurocybcar Group, with a project that offers a test that measures the cybersecurity of a vehicle and issues a certificate according to UNECE/R155.

Prizes have been distributed for a total amount of 18,000 euros, together with various contributions in kind offered by the prize collaborators: Womenalia, SEE ME, the Hotel Business Association of Madrid (AEHM), the King Juan Carlos University (URJC) and wave madrid.

The other 2 finalists who have participated in the Demo Day of this edition have been:

cataca, an MIT-born cybersecurity company that develops self-sovereign digital identity, or SSI, technology. It is the first Spanish startup and one of the first in the world to begin developing SSI technology with the aim of allowing citizens hyper-secure and password-free access to digital services and guaranteeing their security in online transactions.

Sycai Medical, a digital assistant that helps radiologists in the early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer by imaging.

The event, held in the Palacio de Cibeles assembly hall, was presented by Jorge Blass, who also gave a performance during the jury's deliberation.

After the initial words of the Councilor for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Mr. Ángel Niño, who highlighted the importance of not only providing support to current female entrepreneurs but also paying tribute to pioneers, and in this sense pointed out the importance of the Margarita Salas Award, awarded by the Madrid City Council, the finalists presented their projects.

After the presentations, the jury, made up of Fernando Herrero Acebes, General Director of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Esther Caurín Arribas, Head of the Entrepreneurs and SMEs Service, Pablo Batlle, Marketing Director of AEHM - Madrid Hotel Business Association, Margarita Jerez de la Vega, member of the Board of Directors of Aseme – Spanish Association of Business Women of Madrid, and Francisco José Blanco, coordinator of Entrepreneurship at the Rey Juan Carlos University, issued their ruling.
The delegate, along with the councilor delegate, has delivered the checks and the entrepreneurship trophy to the winners.

In his speech, the delegate Miguel Ángel Redodo was surprised by the level of the finalists and stressed that only 20 percent of the startups are driven by women, and that many of the entrepreneurs have to resort to their own funds.

If you have not been able to see the direct broadcast of the event, you can see it in this link 
Consult all the Photo gallery of the event