The Madrid City Council, from the Government Area of Economy, Innovation and Employment, continues with this line of subsidies, in order to regulate the granting of subsidies for the promotion, impulse and reactivation of the industry and related services to the industry of the city of Madrid.
The call establishes the following modalities of actions eligible:
- digitization
- sustainable production
- Productive improvement – Plan Renove -Transition towards industry 4.0
- Response to the context generated by COVID-19
Would be beneficiaries of these subsidies, SMEs that, located in the municipality of Madrid, develop or are going to develop a productive activity and that are not part of the public sector, in accordance with the provisions of article 3 of Law 9/2017, of 8 November, of Public Sector Contracts.
The activities of the applicant SMEs must fit into the following sections of the CNAE 2009:
- Section C-Divisions 10 to 32, as well as 3320 (Installation of industrial machines and equipment).
- Section D- Division 35.19 (Production of electrical energy of other types).
- Section E- Divisions 36 to 39 (Water supply, sanitation, waste management and decontamination).
- Section G- Division 45.2 (maintenance and repair of motor vehicles).
- Section H- Division 52 (storage and activities related to transportation) and 53 (postal and courier activities).
- Section J- Division 58.1 (publishing of books, newspapers and other publishing activities), 58.2 (publishing of computer programs), 59.1 (Motion picture, video and television program activities), 59.2 (Sound recording and music publishing activities) .
- Section M-Division, 71.1 (Architecture and engineering technical services and other activities related to technical advice).
- Section R- Division 90.0 (Creative, artistic and entertainment activities).
More information about requirements, completion of the procedure or documentation here.