Ecocreativa Emprende is back! 2016


ECOCREATIVE Start! is an annual meeting of cultural and creative entrepreneurial initiatives that will take place on April 11, 12 and 13. It is organized by the Master's Degree in Creative Economy, Cultural Management and Development and the Office of the Vice President for University Extension of the Rey Juan Carlos University. It has the collaboration of the Madrid City Council, through the General Directorate of Commerce and Entrepreneurship, the Fundación Incorpora Deportistas Solidarios and Impact Hub Madrid.

It is an event open to society, in which all individuals or companies from the Cultural and Creative Sector can participate, both in Spain and abroad, and may be initiatives in the creation and development phase, or those that are underway and need support in promotion, residency, training or development.

you have until April 5 to sign up. Check here the bases of participation

Born in 2011 as the first public call for creative industries in Spain, its primary objectives are encourage the culture of entrepreneurship and innovation in the new business models based on Creativity, such as the CCI (Cultural and Creative Industries), and promote networking as one of the basic pillars of the new Creative Economy.

At the same time, it collaborates in the restructuring of the Creative Sector, for this it has created -since the first call in 2011- The Nursery of Imagination. A virtual nursery, a networking cultural and creative that gives impetus and visibility to the ventures that arise from the meetings of ECOCREATIVA Emprende! and those initiatives of the master's degree itself, with the aim of promoting employment, self-employment, collaborative work and networking. It currently has more than 50 Cultural and Creative companies, to which will be added the 10 initiatives selected in this 5th call.

It should be noted that this year prizes will be awarded among the 10 selected:

  • 1st prize: Presentation of the project at the Creative Spain Cup – Malaga 2016.
  • Others awards: 2 (two) coworking spaces in the Network of Business Incubators of the Madrid City Council | 1 (one) membership in Impact Hub Madrid | 6 ECOCREATIVA Training scholarships.