Plan Relaunch II

Aid line aimed at self-employed workers who provide their economic activity in the municipality of Madrid
The purpose of the Relanza II Plan is to contribute to maintenance and sustainability of its economic activity and contribute to to mitigate, as far as possible, the economic losses that the crisis current economic situation has been able to generate in their companies.
The aid will consist of a subsidy amounting to 3,000 euros per applicant, non-refundable. The total amount of the credit earmarked for this aid amounts to an amount of 5,001,000 euros.
Decree declaring beneficiaries of the Relanza II Plan
Decree of December 1 of the delegate of the Government Area of Economy, Innovation and Employment declaring themselves beneficiaries of the public call for the granting of aid to the self-employed under the Relanza II Plan of the Madrid City Council. BOAM No. 9279 (12/09/2022).
Decree declaring applications rejected and withdrawn from the Relanza II Plan
Decree of December 21, 2022 of the delegate of the Government Area of Economy, Innovation and Employment by which they declare rejected and withdrawn applications, together with the reasons that have led to the refusal of aid. BOAM no. 9295 (01/03/2023).
Declared the beneficiaries of the Relanza II Plan